Deutsch & Schneider LLP Protects the Rights of People Injured in Accidents Caused By the Negligence of Others
Congested roads, poor weather and visibility, reckless driving, and poor judgment contribute to tens of thousands of accidents annually in the State of New York.
At Deutsch & Schneider LLP, we work closely with an of counsel trial attorney who will aggressively help you recover your losses which may arise from pain and suffering, loss of companionship, lost wages, and medical expenses.

Auto Accidents
The unfortunate reality is that, at one point or another, most motorists will be involved in an automobile accident.
If You Were in an Accident, Seek Medical Attention Immediately, Even if You Do Not Think Your Injuries are Serious. Than Call Us As Soon As Possible
If you are injured in an automobile accident, see a doctor immediately. Potentially severe and costly injuries may seem trivial at first. In New York City, the Police will not dispatch an officer to the scene unless an ambulance is required or the accident is disrupting traffic and a tow truck are required. Since it is not guaranteed that the Police will not go to the scene, it is essential to, if you are able, get pictures of the scene including the damage to the vehicles, exchange information with the other people involved in the accident, and get statements and contact information from witnesses.
Where accidents occur within New York State, automobile insurance policies include provisions for payments to drivers’ operators and passengers of automobiles and to pedestrians for medical expenses, lost wages, and other costs, regardless of fault. This is called no‑fault automobile insurance, whereby persons injured in a motor vehicle accident are eligible to receive benefits that include:
Necessary medical and rehabilitation expenses.
Lost earnings up to $2,000 a month for up to three years from the date of the accident, up to 80% of your lost earnings. New York State Mandated Disability Insurance through your employer will contribute 20%.
Up to $25 a day for a year for other reasonable and necessary expenses incurred because of the accident, such as hiring a housekeeper to perform the household services usually performed by the injured person.
We Are Committed to the Highest Level of Legal Representation and Personalized Attention
Since No-Fault Insurance does not consider who caused the accident, these benefits are payable regardless of who was to blame for the accident. Under No‑Fault, you, as an accident victim, retain the right to sue a negligent operator and owner of a covered vehicle for personal injury losses where:
Medical expenses and other economic losses exceed $50,000
If you suffer an injury that results in significant disfigurement, a fracture, or a significant injury as defined under the no‑fault law,
f you are an immediate family member of a victim whose injury resulted in death,
When the injured person or the person at fault does not have insurance complying with the New York State minimum provisions.
New York State requires a minimum of $25,000/ $50,000 personal liability coverage, $10,000 in property damage, and $50,000 in the event of wrongful death: in addition to the no‑fault coverage.
At Deutsch & Schneider, LLP, we can help you focus on your recovery, while we handle the liability, bodily injury, and no-fault insurance claims and if necessary, legal action, for you.